Aniket Jivani

About Me

Hi, welcome to my personal webpage! My name is Aniket Jivani, and I am a Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor since January 2021. I am advised by Professor Xun Huan

I am interested in developing novel surrogate methods for uncertainty quantification and dimension reduction in computationally expensive engineering simulations. Examples include simulations of turbulent jets, propagation of background solar wind among others. 

I like learning about different domains where interesting work can be done, so I am happy to talk about anything. Please feel free to drop a line anytime! 😄

When I am not struggling with unwieldy equations, a blank thesis or buggy code, I try / struggle to read a nice book. Check out the Reading section on my site for my stray thoughts on this subject. I also walk fast, run slow, cook and nerd out on Formula 1 🏎.
