Points of Contact

Academic Programs and Student Services


  • Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy - Jennifer Littlefield
  • Master of Public Policy/Master of Public Management - Taryn Faulkner
  • Master of Professional Studies - Public Administration - Taryn Faulkner
  • Executive Master of Public Management - Taryn Faulkner
  • PhD - Taryn Faulkner


  • Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy - Eva Morgan
  • Master of Public Policy/Master of Public Management - Fan Tsao
  • Master of Professional Studies - Public Administration - Michael Goodhart
  • Executive Master of Public Management - Michael Goodhart
  • PhD - Nancy Guevara


  • All undergraduate programs - Jennifer Littlefield
  • Master of Public Policy/Master of Public Management/PhD - Fan Tsao
  • Master of Professional Studies - Public Administration - Michael Goodhart


  • All undergraduate programs - Nina Harris
  • Master of Public Policy/Master of Public Management/PhD - Fan Tsao
  • Master of Professional Studies - Public Administration - Michael Goodhart

Tuition and Finances

  • Assistantships - Fan Tsao
  • Payroll and benefits - Lori Ganey
  • Scholarships and fellowships - Meghan Herington

Alumni Relations

  • School of Public Policy Alumni Chapter Board - Meghan Herington
  • University of Maryland Alumni Association - Meghan Herington
  • Alumni giving - Meghan Herington
  • Alumni programming and events - Meghan Herington

Career Services

  • Advising - Theo Caruthers
  • Programming and events - Theo Caruthers
  • Internships - Bryan Kempton
  • Employer relationships - Bryan Kempton

Communications and Marketing

  • Website - Daryllee Hale
  • School of Public Policy Social Media - Aria Connor
  • Policy Post/Newsletter - Megan Campbell
  • Media Inquiries - Megan Campbell
  • Event Booking/Planning - Megan Campbell
  • Presidential Event Requests - Megan Campbell

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Faculty Affairs

  • Faculty meetings - Kati Zang
  • Workload (including total workload, course buyouts, course releases, research producitivty, committee/leadership assignments) - Phil Joyce
  • Searches/Hiring
    • Residential faculty - Phil Joyce
    • Adjuncts (graduate) - Bill Powers
    • Adjuncts (undergraduate) - Nina Harris
  • Faculty development (including junior faculty mentoring and senior faculty reviews) - Phil Joyce

Finance and Administration

  • Staff searches/hiring - Kimberly Schmidt
  • Payroll and benefits - Lori Ganey
  • Travel approvals - Aphi Daigler
  • Travel reimbursements - Natalia Ruff
  • Facilities issues - Kathy Monroe
  • Parking - Kathy Monroe

Information Technology

  • Classroom technology support and development - Sam Corvah

Research, Development and Fundraising

  • Center oversight - Phil Joyce
  • Faculty research development - Kathleen Vogel
  • Donor Relations - Chandrika Rallapalli
  • UMCP/USM Foundations - Chandrika Rallapalli
  • Scholarships and Fellowships - Meghan Herington
  • Donor stewardship - Meghan Herington
  • University of Maryland Giving Day - Meghan Herington
  • Donor Events - Chandrika Rallapalli
  • Gift Processing - Meghan Herington