Ph.D. Qualifying Exam

Revised and voted on by CEE faculty January 2022.


The Qualifying Exam aims to:

  • Test a student's general knowledge base in Civil and Environmental Engineering and in the scientific literature relevant to the Ph.D. research.

  • Assess the student's aptitude and ability to be successful in the Ph.D. program.

  • Provide feedback and recommendations on the student's progress in his or her coursework and doctoral studies.


Ph.D. students must register for the Qualifying Exam after at least 75% of the coursework in the plan of study is completed. For Ph.D. students admitted to the program without a master's degree, this should be after the M.S. degree has been awarded, or, if not getting an M.S. degree, after 24-30 credits of coursework. Students taking the Qualifying Exam must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher in ENCE courses taken in the Ph.D. program.

Time, Duration and Format

The Qualifying Exam is held once a year, in January or February.

  • If there is sufficient demand from students, the Graduate Affairs Committee may organize a second exam, at the beginning of the Fall semester. Students will be notified at least four months in advance if this is the case.

The exam consists of a written section and oral section.

  • The written exam will last up to five days.

  • The student must work alone during the written exam. The Qualifying Exam Committee may specify what constitutes "authorized assistance" (i.e. asking a committee member for clarification).

Qualifying Exam Committee

The Qualifying Exam Committee is responsible for administering the exam. The chair and committee members will be selected by the Graduate Affairs Committee in coordination with the advisor. Committees are formed on a student-by-student basis with consideration of economies of scale..

Committees will consist of three or four full or associate members of the graduate faculty in the Department of Civil and Engineering Engineering (the student's advisor, a committee chair, and one to two additional members). Upon approval of the Graduate Affairs Committee, the Qualifying Exam committee can include one full member of the graduate faculty from another department.



  • Student registers for the exam by submitting the following materials to Anna Damm by October 1 (June 1 for Fall exam):

    1. Plan of Study

      • The plan of study should include courses the student has already taken, especially those that were essential in preparation for the Qualifying Exam, and it can include courses that will be taken later if relevant. Students must have completed at least 75% of the total coursework to be eligible for the exam.

    2. Transcript (unofficial PDF is okay)

    3. Resume

    4. Research Statement

      • Two pages describing the student's anticipated research topic or direction

  • Student's advisor coordinates and proposes the Qualifying Exam Committee.

  • Graduate Affairs Committee reviews the student's application.

  • If approved, the Graduate Affairs Committee selects the Qualifying Exam Committee in consultation with the advisor.

  • The Qualifying Exam Committee coordinates exam and all logistics including the date and time for the exam, distributing the written exam questions, making sure the student is aware of all due dates and requirements.


  • After written exam, members of the Qualifying Exam Committee grade the submission individually and sent results to committee chair.

  • Committee chair consolidates written exam results and schedules the oral exam.


  • Committee chair notifies the student of the exam result and submits the Qualifying Exam Result Report to the Graduate Director (via Anna Damm) for record.

Exam Outcomes

  • Pass: The student can apply to advance to candidacy.

  • Conditional Pass: The student continues in the program and is required to fulfill specific requirements before applying to advance to Ph.D. candidacy.

  • Fail: The student will retake the exam within one year of the first attempt, or must withdraw from the program if they fail the second attempt. Students may take the exam two times at most.


If a student appeals the result of the Qualifying Exam, the Graduate Affairs Committee will follow up according to University policy.
