Alexander Levine 

@ UT Austin (Formerly @ UMD CS)

Hi! I'm Alex Levine, a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Amy Zhang (ECE) and Peter Stone (CS) at The University of Texas at Austin. I completed my Ph.D. in August 2023 in Soheil Feizi's group at the University of Maryland Department of Computer Science

My current research focus is in reinforcement learning: my interests include interpretable deep representation learning for control tasks; robust reinforcement learning; and goal-conditioned reinforcement learning. During my Ph.D., I worked on adversarial robustness in supervised deep learning, and proposed several novel techniques for classification with deterministic robustness guarantees at ImageNet scale.

Feel free to reach out to me via email at alevine0 _at_ cs _dot_ utexas _dot_ edu, or via LinkedIn

Read more about my work below:

Selected Publications: (See also my DBLP)

Certifiable Robustness

Standard deep-learning classifiers are known to be highly sensitive to small changes in their inputs, including adversarially-constructed distortions which may be imperceptible to human inspection.  A certifiably robust classifier is a special type of classifier that aims to solve this problem, by providing sample-wise guarantees on its output sensitivity. While a standard classifier's output (given input x) can be interpreted as simply meaning "Sample x belongs to class c", a certifiably robust classifier produces an additional output, the certified radius r, which indicates "Sample x belongs to class c, AND no change to x of magnitude less than r will cause this classifier to classify x differently." In the papers below, I proposed various novel techniques for certifiably robust classification, with improved scalability and determinism:

Improved, Deterministic Smoothing for L1 Certified Robustness

Alexander Levine and Soheil Feizi. ICML 2021 (Long Talk). Paper Code Talk

We proposed a novel algorithm for certifiably robust classification, with the certified radius measured in the L1 norm. Previous works on certified robustness against Lp-norm distortions either (a) required Monte-Carlo sampling, and therefore produce only probabilistic, rather than exact, certificates, or (b) failed to scale to large-scale tasks (i.e. ImageNet classification). Our algorithm has neither limitation, providing deterministic certification at ImageNet scale.

Provable Adversarial Robustness for Fractional Lp Threat Models

Alexander Levine and Soheil Feizi. AISTATS 2022. Paper Code Talk

We extended the work discussed above to certify robustness against distortions in an Lp radius, for any p<1.  This provides the first technique to our knowledge for certifying robustness under Lp metrics for p ∈ (0,1); provides deterministic certificates; and scales to ImageNet. We also (in the appendix) provide a deterministic variant of a technique we proposed previously for L0 certification, with similar performance.

(De)Randomized Smoothing for Certifiable Defense against Patch Attacks

Alexander Levine and Soheil Feizi. NeurIPS 2020. Paper Code Talk

We provided a (deterministic, large-scale) certifiably robust image classifier with robustness guarantees against patch adversarial attacks: The output of the classification will not change under an arbitrary distortion to any square patch of the image smaller than a bounded size.

Deep Partiton Aggregation: Provable Defenses against General Poisoning Attacks

Alexander Levine and Soheil Feizi. ICLR 2021. Paper Code Talk

Most certifiably robust classifiers provide guarantees for consistent output under distortion of the input sample x. In this work, we instead developed methods for certifiably robust classification which guarantee consistent output under distortions to the training data, i.e., (i) a bounded number of training sample label changes and (ii) a bounded number of training sample insertions/deletions. In the former case, we significantly outperformed prior methods.

Robustness Certificates for Sparse Adversarial Attacks by Randomized Ablation

Alexander Levine and Soheil Feizi. AAAI 2020 (Oral Pres.). Paper Code 

We introduced a novel algorithm for certifiably robust classification under sparse (L0) distortions: in the context of image classification, the size of the distortion is measured in terms of the number of pixels which have been modified. Our method significantly improved over the prior state of the art for L0 certifiably robust classification.

Wasserstein Smoothing: Certified Robustness against Wasserstein Adversarial Attacks

Alexander Levine and Soheil Feizi. AISTATS 2020. Paper Code Talk

Most work on robustness certification focuses on robustness to Lp-bounded distortions; however, these may not be the most meaningful metrics for measuring changes in inputs in all domains. In this work, we developed a certifiably robust image classifier that is robust under distortions in the Wasserstein metric (or "earth-mover distance"), where local shifts in pixel intensity between nearby pixels are considered smaller distortions than longer-range shifts.

Reinforcement Learning

Multistep Inverse Is Not All You Need

Alexander Levine, Peter Stone and Amy Zhang. RLC 2024. Preprint Code 

In real-world control settings, the observation space is often noisy and unnecessarily high-dimensional. The Ex-BMDP model (Efroni et al. 2022) formalizes such settings, where observations can be factorized into an action-dependent latent state which evolves deterministically, and action-independent time-correlated noise.  Lamb et al. (2022) proposes a method, AC-State, for learning an observation encoder which captures the controllable, action-dependent latent state. This allows for efficient planning, and provides a view of the world model which can be interpreted by humans. AC-State works by learning to predict the first action along a path, given the encodings of the initial and final observations in the path. However, in this work, we show that AC-State will fail to learn a correct latent representation under certain types of dynamics. We propose a modified algorithm, ACDF, which is guaranteed to learn a correct encoder in these settings.

Goal-Conditioned Q-Learning as Knowledge Distillation

Alexander Levine and Soheil Feizi. AAAI 2023. Paper Code 

Many applications of reinforcement learning can be formalized as goal-conditioned environments, where, in each episode, there is a "goal" that affects the rewards obtained during that episode but does not affect the dynamics. In this work we propose a new technique for reinforcement learning with high-dimensional goals. Specifically, we explore a connection between off-policy reinforcement learning in goal-conditioned settings and knowledge distillation. We use this connection to apply Gradient-Based Attention Transfer (Zagoruyko and Komodakis 2017), a knowledge distillation technique, to the Q-function update. We empirically show that this can improve the performance of goal-conditioned off-policy reinforcement learning when the space of goals is high-dimensional.