Engineering Education: an Evolution, a Revolution


Welcome to A REVOLUTION in Engineering Academic Programs

We are two seniors at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who are questioning academic engineering programs and their culture. This is our home to share our work, our reflections, our confusions, our passions, as well as engage the rest of the engineering community. 

Watch this introduction video! 

Engineering as it is...

Engineering as it should be...

Current engineering culture

As our country is founded off of colonialism and prioritizes capital worth, the infrastructure in place does not accommodate for marginalized groups. There is an illusion of meritocracy, that further perpetuates hyper-individualism and competition between people. People are dehumanized and disciplined in trying to "prepare" them for being part of the work-force. The academic and work environments are hostile, especially towards marginalized groups. Students are left unfulfilled by the reductive, dispassionate, and apathetic attitudes imposed upon them. All of this pushes design codes to be exclusive, and overlooking of the complexity of human welfare. 

What's the solution?

Drawing from our own experiences, insights from our peers, and an analysis of previous research on engineering education we believe a step forward toward transformative change is through community building. During the 2022-2023 academic year we put our vision into practice with an event series designed using researched pillars of community building. Check out these events!