Entrepreneurial Design Thinking

31 March 2021 | 5 - 7pm (+8 GMT)

Course Synopsis

“Teaching entrepreneurship through a design lens can help students identify and act on unique venture opportunities using a toolkit of observation, fieldwork, and understanding value creation across multiple stakeholder groups” by Tim Brown, author of Change by Design and CEO of IDEO.

Learn about empathy- for whom are you designing for, what do they want?

Define - redefine and refocus on your questions based on your insights from the empathy stage

Ideate- Brainstorm and come up with creative solutions based on empathy.

The Expert

Dr. Ponmalar N Alagappar

Dr. Ponmalar N Alagappar is Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director at Centre for Internship Training and Academic Enrichment (CITrA). As an entrepreneurial educator, she has been successful at leveraging expertise to assist students with making forward-thinking plans and capitalizing on either online business or social enterprise. Innovative in bringing proven success in implementing experiential learning and boot camp -based curriculum delivery and assessment tools.