Ethics In Research & Publication

08 April 2021 | 5 - 7pm (+8 GMT)

Course Synopsis

Ethical review of research protocols is hampered by a lack of research infrastructure, research skills, and research training programs. In view of these challenges, the need to educate research and publication ethics is warranted to uphold the dignity, ensure safety and protect the rights of participants as well as ensure the quality of research carried out. This course is aim to introduce researchers to conduct research that meets the highest ethical standards. It covers the fundamentals of human research ethics, and the various ethical issues and dilemmas when conducting human research in the various stages of the research process. It is important to adhere to ethical norms in research and publication to safeguard the safety of human subjects, to ensure that research conducted are truthful and avoidance of ethical misconduct.

The Expert

Prof Dr Low Wah Yun

Prof Dr Low Wah Yun is Deputy Executive Executive Director (Research & Internalisation) and also the Chair, Universiti Malaya Research Ethics Committee (UMREC). Under her leadership, UMREC actively promotes a research culture within the university whereby researchers apply ethical standards in the design and implementation of research involving human subjects, especially in the social sciences and behavioral domain. Prof Low is also a member of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and a member of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).