Dentistry - It is not just a cavity

08 April 2021 | 5 - 7pm (+8 GMT)

Course Synopsis

Dentistry is a course that is usually associated with tooth decay in a confined oral cavity and more often with pain and fear. It is commonly viewed as a branch of medicine rather than a unique course by itself. At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

1) Overview of the wide range of spectrums in Dentistry

2) Explore the different niches in Dentistry and their potentials

3) Embrace dentistry into their own perspective fields

The Expert

Associate Prof. Dr. Norasmatul Akma Ahmad

Associate Professor Dr. Norasmatul Akma Ahmad graduated from University Malaya in 2002. She served the Ministry of Health as a dental officer for four years before pursuing her specialist training in London in 2006. She obtained her Master of Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics with Distinction from King’s College London in 2009 and was also awarded the Membership of Restorative Dentistry (Prosthodontics) from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in the same year. Her research interest spans from tooth wear, prosthodontics, indigenous oral health care and dental education. She was the Head of Restorative Dentistry Department and currently a member of the University Malaya Dental Education Enhancement and Development Unit (UMDEED) and also a Prosthodontist and Restorative Consultant in the University Malaya Specialist Centre (UMSC), University of Malaya, Malaysia.