Physical Conditioning

05 April 2021 | 5 - 7pm (+8 GMT)

Course Synopsis

Physical conditioning can result in a well-balanced, strong and flexible musculoskeletal system, which in turn reduces the risk of injuries and produces an effective and efficient movement pattern. The human body can best adapt to training with the correct stimulus that includes progression, overload, and specificity. Our muscles can be stretched and strengthened to achieve the right proportion in strength and flexibility and optimal ratios between them can help reduce the risk of injury. All these benefits can be maximized with enhanced muscle endurance that can lead to delay in fatigue when executing a task. This course will cover topics that include the foundations of human movements and training principles for a well-rounded physical conditioning program. Important movement cues and examples of the upper body, core and lower body exercises will also be highlighted.

The Expert

Dr. Victor Selvarajah A/L Selvanayagam

Victor S Selvanayagam completed his degree in Sports Science and Master's in Medical Science at the University of Malaya (UM). He received his PhD from The University of Queensland in the area of Neuroscience where he focused on identifying early neural responses to strength training. Victor, who is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), is currently a Senior Lecturer and the Deputy Director (Research and Development) with the Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Malaya. He played a pivotal role in developing the first Master of Strength and Conditioning Program in Malaysia. His main research focuses on the contribution of the nervous system to strength by incorporating well-explored motor learning paradigms into strength training. He also plays a consultative role in the area of exercise physiology and exercises testing and prescription. Ultimately, Victor is keen to explore and share his expertise pertaining to the science and fundamentals of human movement, so thatmovements can be safe, effective and efficient.