#EdTechTeam workshops i.uldtraining.com/gafesummit

If you would like to chat more, feel free to tweet me @charte or drop me an email chris@unstucklearning.com

My World, My Maps

My world, MyMaps

In this workshop, we will explore the functionality of Google My Maps and how we can develop numeracy and literacy skills as well as develop our geographical and cultural understanding of our world. There will be worked examples from primary and secondary school and even world languages. This workshop is accessible to anyone with an interest in having their learners build artefacts for authentic audiences.

From feedback to feedforward

From feedback to feedforward

This workshop will look at how we help learners to become much more proficient in critiquing their own and others' performance in learning tasks. You will learn about the critique protocols you can use with learners and how Google Apps can enhance this process even further. You will leave this session with a protocol you can implement immediately in your own classroom and ideas on how to change summative feedback into formative feedforward.

Mystery Box Learning Design

Learning by Design

We will take a quick tour of a learning by design model which puts students at the heart of learning and see how Google Apps and technologies can enhance the learning of any subject. After a Mystery Box learning by design challenge, you will have the opportunity to plan a sequence of learning using multiple Google Apps and technologies with like minded educators! It will be useful to have some experience of Google Drive, but not essential.

Going SOLO with Classroom

Going SOLO with Classroom

In this session, we will explore how we can use Google Apps and Google classroom to develop highly effective assessment tasks. We will briefly cover the use of the SOLO Taxonomy as a framework for formative and summative assessment, look at rubric design in Google Docs, use Classroom to manage the assessment process and Google Sheets to capture and report data. By the end of this session, you will have designed an assessment task for your own class and have one less to-do on your holiday homework list!