The Role of Culture Shock on Adjustment by Moderating Gender Differences in Overseas Students From Sulawesi

Graciona Dervita Tanari & Doddy Hendro Wibowo

Keywords: culture shock; self-adjustment; overseas students


Self-adjustment ability is an important thing that needs to be possessed by overseas students. The research aims to identify the role of culture shock on adjustment by moderating gender differences in overseas students from Sulawesi. This research's sample consisted of 150 overseas students from Sulawesi who studied in Central Java and wandered for no more than one year. The sampling technique used is the sampling quota technique. Quantitative analysis used the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) method to test the hypothesis in this research. Results find out that the hypothesis in this study was accepted with a beta coefficient value of -0.609 and a significance value of (p < 0.01), indicating that gender as a moderating variable can significantly influence the role between culture shock and self-adjustment and that the two variables have a significant negative relationship. Additionally, the beta coefficient value of 0.327 indicates that male students are, at least partly, more adaptable than female students.


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