The Importance of Employee Engagement in the Workplace

Rachel Barus, Ruth Welsy Aprilya Intan Panggabean, Herny Bertha Sstryani Waruwu, Nenny Ika Putri Simarmata

Keywords: Employee engagement, literature review


Employee engagement is an individual's positive attitude of enthusiasm and loyalty as employees who are intellectually and emotionally involved in carrying out their work to improve company performance. This research aimed to describe the importance of employee engagement in the workplace. The research method was a literature review that examined several articles and journals. Articles and journals were found through the Google Scholar database. The article or journal criteria were those published in 2021. Based on several articles, it was found that employee engagement has a significant influence on the company. Employees involved in the company or have an attachment to the company are certainly more passionate about doing their job and continue developing their abilities to advance the company. Employee engagement has a considerable influence in the workplace. If employees do not have good engagement, only a few employees have a sense of belonging and are willing to participate in advancing the company. An employee with good employee engagement wants to continue to grow and develop the company.


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