The Implementation of Learning Strategy of Ignatian Pedagogy for Emotional Maturity of Late Adolescence

Elisabeth Desiana Mayasari 

Keywords: emotional maturity, late adolescence


Emotional maturity is an individual's ability to control and manage emotions. Therefore, adolescents must achieve their emotional maturity according to their physical development. An individual in their adolescence needs to undergo social interactions with their friends and society. This research aims to recognize the development of emotional maturity in late adolescents by implementing the learning strategy of the Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm (Reflective). This research applied Classroom Action Research designed by Tuckman, Bruce, and Harper (2012), which portrayed in two significant phases (1) Phase 1: Arms and (2) Act. The learning method applies the learning strategy of the Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm (reflective) are (1) context, (2) experience, (3) action, (4) reflection, and (5) evaluation. The population in this research is 48 undergraduate students. The data collection technique in this research uses a questionnaire compiled by Mayasari (2009) based on indicators proposed by Murray (1997). The empirical validity test results in 56 items with rix scores above 0,293 (p> 0.05). The reliability and coefficient classification score is 0.937, a very high correlation. The result showed that the average score of emotional maturity in the pre-test is 172.71, and the post-test is 231.22. Based on the independent sample t-test analysis, the two-tailed significance value is 0.004 <0.005, thus indicating that there is a difference in point scores between the pre-test and post-test scores in the group. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, the post-test scores obtained by students are higher than the pre-test. There is an increase in emotional maturity in late adolescents through implementing the learning strategy of Ignatian Pedagogy (Reflective).


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