The Gratitude and Psychological Well-being of Adolescents Who Are Living in Social Conflict Areas

Galdies Betsi Lembang & Arthur Huwae

Keywords: Psychological well-being, gratitude, adolescents living in areas with social conflict.


Adolescents who grow and evolve in areas that have encountered social conflict often show an inadequate self-image, including negative judgments, unstable emotions, and assertive behavior that tends to risk themselves and the environment. The problems of adolescents who live in conflict areas are ultimately incapable of achieving optimal psychological well-being and create insufficient self-esteem. This problem must be appropriately handled to degenerate the condition of teenagers. To gain psychological well-being, it is necessary to establish a mechanism of self for adolescents through the capacity to be appreciative. Thus, this study aims to determine the relationship between gratitude and psychological well- being in adolescents who live in areas that have experienced social conflicts. Moreover, the method used for this research is quantitative with a correlational design. The total of 120 teenagers who live in areas that have experienced social conflict evolved analysis participants using snowball sampling. The measurement of the research used The Gratitude Questionnaire-6 ( = 0.811) and Ryff's Psychological Well-being Scale (= 0.881). The research data analysis method used the product-moment correlation test from Karl Pearson. The results demonstrated a significant positive relationship between gratitude and psychological well-being in adolescents who lived in areas with social conflicts (r = 0.472 and sig. = 0.000). This reveals that gratitude is one of the factors associated with increased psychological well-being in adolescents who live in areas that have experienced social conflict. Through the implementation of this research, it is expected that teenagers who live in areas with social conflicts can analyze gratitude as a form of mental recovery in achieving psychological well-being in everyday life.


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