The Dynamics of Cultural Adaptation Process for Sojourner Students

Albinus Juremias Christianro Ouw, Maria Nugraheni, Mardi Rahayu

Keywords: Culture, Sojourner students, Cultural adaptation


When sojourner students arrive in a new area, they will face many differences, such as environmental conditions, habits, and cultures. Those differences can be a problem because they can cause discomfort, stress, restlessness, and even anxiety. So based on those reasons, this study aimed (1) to provide an overview of the dynamics of the cultural adaptation process; and (2) to find out what the inhibiting and supporting factors of the cultural adaptation process of overseas students at SWCU This research used qualitative methods with a descriptive study approach. Data collection used observation and interview techniques. The results showed that the cultural adaptation process was formed to adjust to the local culture that was different from the original culture of sojourner students. There are many factors, such as the origin culture, the acceptance of the local community, and interactions with fellow students and local people. Those factors can become inhibiting and supporting factors that affect the adaptation process of sojourner students.


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