The Description of Attitude Toward Honoli Values Among Late Adolescents of Kaisar Tribe

Sofia Mariska Rehiara & Berta Esti Ari Prasetya

Keywords: attitude; late teenager; Honoli Culture


This study aimed to describe the attitude of Kisar late adolescents towards Kisar's value called Honoli and the factors that shape this attitude. Attitude is a positive or negative evaluation of an object, person, or situation so that it can change individual behavior. Honoli is defined as a value of politeness left by the ancestors of the Kisar tribe to respect each other. The research method used qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The participants were selected using the snowball sampling technique, and there were five late adolescents from Kisar tribe, aged 17-21 years. Data were collected by interview and observation and analyzed using the Creswell model. The results showed the attitudes of the five participants towards Honoli from several sides. From the cognitive component, they believe that Honoli is a hereditary culture and also acts as a social ethic of the Kisar people that must be preserved. Then, from the affective component, participants are grateful and proud of this value because it can shape their attitudes and character. Based on the conative component, the participants applied Honoli values by appreciating, respecting, and loving others. Furthermore, two factors that play a role in shaping participants' attitudes in applying Honoli values are internal factors: individual intentions and external factors: family, the Kisar tribe community, churches, and schools. However, in implementing the Honoli values, social media, intention, and emotion factors often influence participants.


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