The Consequence of Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Satisfaction of PT Indofood Fortuna Makmur Pollung

Selvia Royani Hutahaean & Nenny Ika Putri Simarmata

Keywords: job satisfaction, dissatisfaction, perceived organizational support, PT Indofood, Indonesia


An employee is every person who works by giving his energy (physically and mentally) to a company and getting remuneration following the agreement. This study aimed to determine whether there is an effect of perceived organizational support on the job satisfaction of employees of PT Indofood Fortuna Makmur Pollung. The hypotheses in this study were (1) there is no effect of perceived organizational support on job satisfaction of employees at PT Indofood Fortuna Makmur Pollung, and (2) there is an effect of perceived organizational support on job satisfaction of employees at PT Indofood Fortuna Makmur Pollung. The research method used a quantitative method, and data analysis techniques used simple linear regression. The sampling technique was a simple random sampling technique using Issac and Michael's tables. The data were obtained by directly distributing questionnaires to 102 research respondents. The results showed that the score of perceived organizational support affects job satisfaction by 56.7% with rxy 1,056 and p=0,103 ( 0,103>0,05).


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