Self-disclosure in Early-adult Users of Online Dating Applications

Elsi Ire Dela & Maria Nugraheni Mardi Rahayu

Keywords: self-disclosure; online dating application users; early adulthood


Self-disclosure is one of the things that an online dating application user must have to start communication and a relationship with fellow online dating application users. This study aims to determine the self-disclosure profile of online dating application users regarding gender and age. This study used a descriptive quantitative design with incidental sampling techniques, as many as 100 online dating application users aged 18-40 (67% female and 33% male). The measurement tool used is self-disclosure when chatting on the ICQ scale (α=0.888). Respondents' average level of self-disclosure was 43.72 (SD = 7.060). The results of data categorization showed that online dating application users' self-disclosure was in the high category with a percentage of 49%, medium 31%, very high 12%, low 5%, and very low 3%. The results of crosstabulation data in terms of gender, most of the female respondents had a self-disclosure score belonging to the high category of 43% and a self-disclosure score belonging to the medium category of 34%. Of the male respondents, 60.61% had a self- disclosure score in the high category, and 24.24% had a self-disclosure score in the medium category. The results of crosstabulation data in the age range of 18-30 years are in the high category of 47.4%, and in the age range of 30-40 years are in the high category of 100%. Future research is expected to examine self-disclosure in online dating application users using a qualitative approach to get a more detailed picture of dynamics and to be able to describe how self-disclosure is in early adulthood over the age of 30 or other age groups, as well as examining the relationship between self-disclosure and other psychological variables.


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