Naketi in the Spirituality of the Boti Tribe Society

Barly Renaldy Lasa & Wahyuni Kristinawati

Keywords: Boti Tribe; Spirituality


Naketi, for the people of East Nusa Tenggara, is generally used to solve problems between problematicvindividuals. The practice was done by talking about pent-up feelings so that they could forgive each other. This study aimed to explore the role of the naketi in the spirituality of the Boti tribe, one of the Timorese tribes that still holds strong local customs. The research method used a qualitative research method with a phenomenological research design. The research participants were the king of Boti and one people of the Boti tribe. The results showed that unlike most of the people of East Nusa Tenggara, the practice of naketi by the Boti Tribe was done to heal an illness. The Boti tribe's belief in nature makes them to do naketi by using natural spices for the healing process. In addition, the naketi tradition of the Boti tribe is centered on the King of Boti who leads the naketi tradition.


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