Living With Pandemic Covid-19: Case for Indonesian Emerging Adults

Julia Suleeman

Keywords: emerging adults; emotion; International Conference; UKSW Salatiga; Covid-19 pandemic; positive and negative impact


Living during the Covid-19 pandemic is not the same as living before the pandemic. This research reported how emerging adults (18 to 29 years old) perceive the impact of living during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data were collected by using a survey distributed through Google Forms. Then, data were collected in August 2020 (N = 339; female 72.3%) and in May 2021 (N = 138; female 74.5%). It was to identify if there were any changes due to the length of the pandemic. The frequencies were analyzed by using chi-squared test. The results showed significant differences between these two groups of respondents regarding the selection of health protocol, the negative and positive impact of living in the pandemic, the emotion associated with the pandemic, and confidence in not being infected by Covid-19. Both batches are in the middle range, which was not too high or too low. The longer the pandemic lasts, the more realistic the participants are to adjust their daily habits to survive the pandemic.


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