Gender Differences in Self Disclosure Among Emerging Adult Instagram Users

Jessica Amandha Puspitasari, Agustina, Linda Wati

Keywords: Emerging adulthood; Gender differences; Instagram; Self disclosure


Internet users in Indonesia are increasing along with the use of social media, which is the purpose of almost all internet users. In using social media, especially Instagram, users do self-disclosure. It is known that gender is also a factor that affects self-disclosure; men tend to be more awkward in disclosing themselves than women (Derlega et al., 2008; Tang et al., 2013). This study aimed to determine whether there are gender differences in self-disclosure among emerging adults Instagram users. The participants of this study were 121 people who were obtained through a purposive sampling technique with criteria aged 18-25, have an Instagram account, and had revealed themselves on Instagram. This study uses the Revised Self Disclosure Scale by Wheeless and Grotz (1976)which was adapted by Anggraeni and Zulfiana (2018). The results of this study indicated that there are differences in self-disclosure in women and men. Self-disclosure of women (M= 52.80), is higher than men (M= 49.00).


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