Does Influencer Content Change the Body Image Views of Z Generation Social Media Users?

Idha Rachmita & Maria Nugraheni Mardi Rahayu

Keywords: Body Image; Z Generation; Social Media


Z Generation is closely related to technological advances, including the development of various social media platforms. The use of social media often standardizes the ideal appearance through posts from public figures and influencers. A person's problem that often arises is related to body image. This study aims to determine the relationship between body image and the use of social media in Z Generation Salatiga. This study uses a quantitative method with a correlation approach. The variables in the study were measured using two scales, namely the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire measuring body image (α = 0.901) and the Social Networking Site Usage and Needs Scale to measure the use of social media (α = 0.869). The sampling technique in this study used an incidental sampling technique, namely sampling by taking encountered samples in accordance with the characteristics. A total of 200 Z Generation in Salatiga became participants in this study (mean age = 21.73 years, Female = 65.5%, Male = 34.5%, SD = 1.356). Spearman-Rho correlation test shows a score of (rs =0.174 sig.=0.014; rs =0.261 sig.=0.000; rs =0.336 sig.=0.000; rs =0.207 sig.=0.003) sig. value < 0.05, which means there is a significant relationship between body image and the use of social media in the Z Generation in Salatiga. Future research is expected to explore other forgotten factors related to body images, such as culture, interpersonal experiences, physical characteristics, personality factors, social comparisons, social media content, and environment.


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