Description of the Parental Acceptance Process of Down Syndrome Children

Penisa Sampe Asang & Maria Nugraheni Mardi Rahayu

Keywords: Children with Down Syndrome, Acceptance of Parents


Down syndrome is a disorder that results in the extra of chromosome 21 in children. Parents' acceptance of children with Down syndrome is important to maximize children's growth and development. This study aimed to describe the process of parental acceptance of children with Down syndrome in the Kurra District, South Sulawesi. This study used a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach, and the participants were two pairs of parents. Data collection was done by interview and observation. The results of this study indicated that every married couple experiences the same acceptance process. The first parents experienced shock, grief, and acceptance. Meanwhile, the second parents experienced a direct acceptance phase. In the parents' acceptance process, four characteristics occurred: the understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the child, the parents' realistic view of the child, an effort to find solutions to help the child's development, and the fulfillment of love, affection, and protection for the child. Also, this study found that religious values helped participants accept their Down syndrome children so that it could be for further research.


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