Body Image and Self-esteem in Early Adulthood Women of Pglii in Palangka Raya Members

Elsa Yolen Falensia Luis & Krismi Diah Ambarwati

Keywords: Body Image; Self-Esteem; Early Adulthood; Women


Early adulthood is a period of transition from adolescence to adulthood. People in this stage must continually adapt to the views and expectations of the community regarding their relationships, work, and children. This stage is also the highest performance of their body; they will receive a powerful message about their physical appearance from the environment, especially for women. This stage plays a role in shaping women’s perception of their body image and self-esteem. Therefore, this study aimed to find the correlation between body image and self-esteem of women in early adulthood at the Indonesian Union of Evangelical Churches and Institution (PGLII) in Palangka Raya city. The method used quantitative and correlational design. The study measurement used the Body Image Questionnaire (BIQ) scale for body image and the Self-Liking and Self-Competence questionnaire (SLSC) scale for self-esteem with the accidental sampling method. Participants were 88 women in early adulthood and members of PGLII in Palangka Raya aged 18-40 years. Spearman correlation test result found the signification = 0,288 (p<0,05) with r= -0.061. It showed no correlation between body image and self-esteem in women in early adulthood from PGLII in Palangka Raya aged 18-40.


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