Analysis of the Concept of Hyperreality Being Fanfiction Reader: a Literature Study

Anak Agung Istri Via Aristyawati & Ni Made Swasti Wulanyani

Keywords: fanfiction, hyperreality, kpopers, social media


The concept of hyperreality is a real model without origin, a representation without reference, and something that is not based on facts. This article aims to analyze the concept and meaning of hyperreality from a fanfiction reader. The writing procedure used in this study is a literature review using an online database from Google Scholar and Science Direct using the keyword "Hyperreality Fanfiction." The articles used were published from 2012 to 2022. This paper used eight articles. This hyperreality concept emerges among fanfiction readers because of the interaction between the reader and the characters in the story. The results of the analysis show that the cognitive distortion experienced by fanfiction readers is due to a shift in the media used as a place to consume fanfiction so that the actual reality is replaced with a simulated world.


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