UF/IFAS Extension Bay County
Demonstration Gardens

Designed, Installed, and Maintained by UF/IFAS Extension Bay County Master Gardener Volunteers

About the gardens
Who we are

The University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is a federal, state, and county partnership dedicated to developing knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources, and the life sciences and to making that knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of human life.

In Bay County, the Horticulture Extension Agent oversees approximately 40 Master Gardener Volunteers trained to educate the public on gardening topics.

UF/IFAS Extension Bay County educational demonstration gardens are used in conjunction with other outreach efforts to share Florida Friendly Landscaping™ Principles with the public. The gardens are used to teach topics such as butterfly gardening, beneficial insects, native plant selection and care, and growing culinary herbs taught by the Horticulture Agent and Master Gardener Volunteers. In addition to their use in formal programs, the gardens are also open to the public to visit.

All gardens are designed, installed, and maintained by Master Gardener Volunteers with the oversight of the Horticulture Agent. Supplies are donated or purchased with funds raised at the Master Gardener Volunteer annual plant sale. Volunteers contribute hundreds of hours each year in support of the demonstration gardens. Without their support the gardens would not be possible.

Interested in becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer?
The Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Program recruits individuals who are interested in gardening and enjoy sharing what they learn with others. Participants  complete a 50-hour (or longer) training course overseen by the University of Florida and the local county Extension office.

In return for their training, these new Master Gardener Volunteers commit to serve 75 hours within the first year of their graduation to become certified, per the statewide program bylaws.

Certified Master Gardener Volunteers work through their county Extension office to educate Floridians and provide research-based information about gardening—America's most popular pastime. Master Gardener Volunteers can fulfill their volunteer hours in a variety of ways, including:

Master Gardener Volunteers renew their certification by participating in 10 continuing education hours and completing 35 UF/IFAS approved volunteer hours each year with their local Extension Office. They must also adhere to the Master Gardener Volunteer policies.

Search for plants by common name, botanical name, or by garden theme (underlined below).

All images – except for those used with permission and cited in caption – were taken by Julie McConnell, UF/IFAS Extension, and are the property of the University of Florida. University of Florida employees and students are allowed to use these photos in connection with their job duties and studies, respectively. The University of Florida prohibits commercial use of the photos, including but not limited to promotion of goods and/or services and reproduction of the photos for sale.