Old news
13/01/2022: Award of a Chebyshev Grant to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 at Saint Petersburg, Russia.
07/2021: Member of the Working Group 1.5 on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems of the International Federation for Information Processing.
04/2021: Coordinator of the Algebra section of the 54th National Congress of the Mexican Mathematical Society.
17/11/2020: Co-chair of the Program Committee of AUTOMATA 2021.
05/12/2019: Member of the Scientific and Steering Committee of AUTOMATA 2020.
26-28/06/2019: AUTOMATA 2019 at the University of Guadalajara. (Press note from CUCEI).
25/04/2019: Award of a CONACYT Grant for Basic Science Research.
05-19/12/18: Research visit to Maximilien Gadouleau at Durham University.
01-08/08/18: International Congress of Mathematicians 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
5-29/06/18: IV Summer School in Mathematics, CUCEI, University of Guadalajara.
21/05/18: Appointed coordinator of the new MSc in Mathematics.
14/05/18: Short communication accepted at the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018.
04/05/18: Coloquio del Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas, UNAM Campus Morelia.
02/12/17: Book presentation Lo imposible en matemáticas by Carlos Prieto de Castro. International Book Fair of Guadalajara 2017.
30/11/17: Award of an Open Arms Grant to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
26/10/17: Invited talk in the algebra session of the 50th National Congress of the Mexican Mathematical Society.
11/09/17 - 13/10/17: Visit of Justin McInroy (University of Bristol).
04/09/17: Member of the programme committee for Automata 2018.
24/08/17: Talk at workshop Symmetries of Discrete Structures in Geometry (BIRS/Casa Matemática Oaxaca).