Sebastian Holt

Sebastian Holt


Ph.D Candidate in Psychology, University of California, San Diego (2019-Present)

B.A. in Linguistics, Princeton University (2015-2019)


Holt, S. & Barner, D. (chapter in preparation). An Experimental History of Number: Simulating the Emergence of Symbolic Number. In Park, J., Snyder, E., Samuels, R. (Eds.),  Numerical Cognition: Debates and Disputes. Springer Nature.

Holt, S. & Barner, D. (in preparation). Children's paths to number syntax: concrete logic or procedural abstraction.

Holt, S. & Barner, D. (under review). Learning a novel number system: The role of compositional rules & counting procedures. (psyarxiv)

Holt, S., Fan, J. E., & Barner, D. (2024). Creating ad hoc graphical representations of number. Cognition, 242, 105665. (psyarxiv; publisher)

Cai, L. X., Pizano, K., Gundersen, G. W., Hayes, C. L., Fleming, W. T., Holt, S., Cox, J.M., & Witten, I. B. (2020). Distinct signals in medial and lateral VTA dopamine neurons modulate fear extinction at different times. Elife, 9, e54936.

Presentations & Posters

Holt, S., Lin, R., Barner, D. (2024, June). Earned Merit & Owned Merit. [Poster presentation]. 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, 2024, West Lafayette, USA.

Holt, S., Barner, D. (2024, March). Studying numerical innovations with artificial languages. [Symposium talk]. Cognitive Development Society, March, 2023, Pasadena, USA.

Holt, S., Barner, D. (2024, March). Learning the meanings of numbers from the syntax of nouns. [Poster presentation]. Cognitive Development Society, March, 2023, Pasadena, USA.

Holt, S., Barner, D. (2023, October). Learning the meanings of numbers from the syntax of nouns. [Poster presentation]. Many Paths to Language, October, 2023, Nijmegen, NL (virtual).

Holt, S., Barner, D. (2023, July). Learning Numbers from the Structure of Counting. [Conference talk].  45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2023), July, 2023, Sydney, AU.

Holt, S., Barner, D., & Fan, J. E. (2021, July). Improvised Numerals Rely on 1-to-1 Correspondence. [Poster presentation]. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021), July, 2021, Vienna, AT (virtual).

Teaching & Mentorship

Teaching Assistant

PSYC 101: Developmental Psychology (Winter 2020; Spring 2022)

PSYC 190: The Science of Parenting (Summer 2020; Summer 2021; Spring 2023; Spring 2024)

PSYC 148: Psychology/Judgement&Decision (Winter 2021)

PSYC 185: Psychology of the Climate Crisis (Spring 2021; Winter 2022; Winter 2023)

PSYC 168: Psychological Disorders/Child (Fall 2021)

PSYC 70: Research Methods in Psychology (Winter 2024)

PSYC 184: Choice and Self-Control (Fall 2024)


Leah Schneider (Honors Thesis, 2024-2025)

Ruohan (Lynne) Lin (Honors Thesis, 2023-2024)

Michael Ho (Honors Thesis, 2021-2022)