
When I studied Physics during my undergraduate, I was fascinated by the simplicity and complexity of Physics theories. It inspired me to think more: 

How do I apply the theories to unravel the unknowns in the world? 

How do I discover new Physics? 

How do I change our world using Science and Technology?

With this motivation, I have decided to pursue a Ph.D. degree in the Materials Science and Engineering Program at the University of California San Diego (UCSD, 2018 - Expected Winter 2024 ) and will potentially continue in the academic research career path. My research interests are concentrating solar power (CSP) technology, heat transfer, high-entropy materials, phase transformation, thermal energy storage (TES) materials, thermal management, solar-fuel production, structure-property relationships of complex materials.  etc. Other than doing research, I play the guitar and write songs in my spare time. I also love reading books, listening to music, and watching movies. 

Links to my social networking:

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