Beth Simon

Teaching Professor, Education Studies Department

Dr. Beth Simon is a Teaching Professor in the Department of Education Studies.  Her research interests lie in the areas of computing education and online and technology-enhanced teaching.  Beth is currently involved in development of K-12 computing curriculum and the training and community needs of K-12 teachers wanting to bring computing education opportunities to their students.  She has recently developed a Graduate Certificate program for K-12 Computer Science Education.   Previously, Beth has studied the impacts of evidence-based active learning practices (e.g., Peer Instruction) on student outcomes in higher education, student conceptions of computing concepts,  and novice computing students’ self-efficacy.   Beth previously served as the  Faculty Advisor for  Digital Learning in the UCSD Teaching + Learning Commons where she supported faculty and instructional staff in the use of technology to support their educational efforts both on-campus and through MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).

Beth served as Teaching Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department, and as Director of UCSD’s Center for Teaching Development (now part of the Teaching and Learning Commons).  From 2014-2015, Beth served as the Principal Teaching and Learning Specialist at Coursera, supporting faculty in the development of MOOCs and advising on pedagogical platform development.  During 2007-2008, Beth served as a Science Teaching and Learning Fellow in the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative at the University of British Columbia.

Free CS Curriculum for upper elementary

No CS teacher knowledge required

Increasing English Learner success in APCS Principles

Youth Participatory Action Research to increase equity in high school CS