
Course Syllabus


Instructor: Srikanth Krishnamurthy

  • Office Location: 324, Engineering II

  • E-mail: krish@cs.ucr.edu

  • Web: www.cs.ucr.edu/~krish

  • Office Hours: Mon 3 - 4 PM on ZOOM (by request)

TA: Zhutian Liu (zliu272@ucr.edu)

  • Office Location: WCH 367

  • Office Hours: TBD (or by appointment)

Class Logistics


Time: Tue, Thu 12:30 PM - 01:50 PM

Location: Student Success Center 216


Time: Tue 04:00 PM - 05:50 PM (Starting from week 2)

Location: Sproul Hall 2355

  • Lab attendance is mandatory for the first 6 sessions.

  • You will lose significant points for each lab missed.

  • Submit the material in Canvas/Gradescope according to lab instruction.

  • Refer to lab slides and instructions.


Roughly once in 3 weeks.

  • Quiz 1

  • Quiz 2

  • Quiz 3

  • Finals – on the day announced by the registrar.


Release in Canvas/Gradescope.

Course Objectives

  • Learn architectural differences between various wireless systems

  • Examine how wireless affects protocol design and development

  • Uncover network operation, deployment, and application issues

Course Topics Overview

  1. Intro and overview

  2. Networking primer (some basics to get you synced up with networks)

  3. Radio signals -- and why they are different (propagation of signals, effects).

  4. Medium access -- how to share the wireless spectrum across users.

  5. Cellular networks -- we will start with a very short discussion of 1st generation and see the progression to LTE. (no 5G at this time -- but I will discuss what are the differences)

  6. How cellular progressed from just voice calls to carrying data and Internet traffic.

  7. WiFi -- and data access indoors

  8. Impact of mobility on IP and TCP (protocols that are de facto in the Internet)

  9. Bluetooth

  10. Network planning for cellular (if time permits).


  • Homework 10%

  • Labs 10%

  • 3 Quizzes 15% each

    • Choose the best two.

  • Project 20%

  • Final 30%

Textbook and references


  • Mobile Communications 2nd edition, Jochen Schiller, Addison Wesley

However, I may draw things from other sources. Refer to slides – should have the content you are responsible for.

Other references

  • Papers from journals and magazines

  • Principles of Wireless Networks – Kaveh Pahlavan and Prashant Krishnamurthy, Pearson