Welcome to Our School Family

to contact Mrs. Highsmith:

 mary.highsmith@ucps.k12.nc.us or google phone 704-666-1928

to contact Mrs. Montgomery:

kristina.montgomery@ucps.k12.nc.us or google phone 980-477-5136


June 8th: WATER DAY Party--ALL students will participate. We will have water tables, sprinklers,spray bottles, bubbles and so much more! 

The party will begin at 8:30. 

Important information about water day:

2023-2024 parent input form for parents of rising kindergarteners


Our school clinic is need of clothes to supply for when those "accidents" happen at school. We are in need of the following items/sizes:

*Please send items in with your child labeled for "Nurse Torres."

Thank you!!

The PTA has about 16 shirts in youth XS (size 4/5). $5 per shirt sent to your child's teacher!


Here is the link to the recorded parent training we did back in October on Schedules and Routines.  


Another resource on schedules and routines:


Visitors and Volunteers

All visitors are required to report to the front office upon arrival. Please ring the bell and wait for someone to let you in. Please refrain from holding the door for visitors behind you. Each visitor must ring the bell and be buzzed in separately.


We appreciate your patience as we have spent time teaching  procedures to our students. Starting Monday September 19th, parents will be permitted to visit their child during lunch. If you would like to visit your child during lunch, please review the following procedures:



Parents please be advised that if you have children in both buildings and are utilizing the car-rider line you must drop off at SVPS first due to the required traffic patterns. Dropping off at SVES first and turning left is not permitted, it creates safety risks to traffic exiting the primary parking lot.We appreciate your cooperation as we work to keep our families safe during arrival and dismissal.



Interested in supporting our 4th and 2nd grade students?


Thank You for your patience as we continue to improve our arrival and dismissal procedures. We strive for continuous improvement and appreciate your flexibility as we gradually get quicker each week. Thank you! #BetterTogether.

Arrival Procedures:

                                                                                            Morning Drop-Off:

                                                                                         Daily Transportation Changes:

                                                                                       Transportation Procedures:

 Click here for information on walkers/buses/car-riders.



Meal prices for the 2022-2023 school year:

Meal application Information:


Our Student Support Team:

School counselor - Kacey Reder (kacey.reder@ucps.k12.nc.us)

School Nurse - Kelly Torres (Kelly.Torres.AGN@ucps.k12.nc.us)

Social Worker - Susan Slattery-Rogers (susan.Slattery-Rogers@ucps.k12.nc.us)

Behavioral Health Therapist Abel DeLuna (Abelardo.DeLuna.DHCOL@ucps.k12.nc.us)

Psychologist - Justine Macklin (Justine.Macklin@ucps.k12.nc.us)

School Resource Officer - Joseph Whitley (Joseph.Whitley@ucps.k12.nc.us)

Safety Protocols:

All exterior and classroom doors, as well as windows remain locked throughout the school day. We will conduct regular safety drills throughout the year with students and staff. These include fire drills, lockdown drills, tornado or severe weather drills, and bus evacuation drills. Parents, we strongly encourage you to communicate with your student often about the importance of reporting any situation that may make your child feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or scared, and we ask that you keep the school informed. Open, consistent communication is one of the best ways we can help ensure the safety of all students.

Health Protocols:

Students who are feeling unwell should stay home. In order to help prevent the spread of disease and sickness, we must all work together to keep our community safe. Please do not send children to school if they are sick. Students with a fever, vomiting or diarrhea should not report to school. These are the Pre-K guidelines for keeping your child at home:

A temperature of 100 degrees or more.

2 or more episodes of diarrhea.

2 or more episodes of vomiting.

Contagious diseases.

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19, can return to school five days after the start of their symptoms as long as their symptoms are improving and they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. Please contact our school nurse with specific questions/concerns regarding illness and procedures.