The ICS Lab Tutor Program Is Currently Unavailable.

If you are seeking assistance or would like to support ICS courses, please explore the various UCI programs listed below.

Thank you!

Alternate Opportunities to Support ICS Courses:

Learning Assistant Program (Credit-Based)

- A Learning Assistant (LA) is expected to assist students while they are engaged in active learning and facilitate collaborative activities/discussions.

- New LAs will need 4 units in their Fall schedule to take part in UniStu 176 & UniStu 198

- Returning LAs will need 2 units in their Fall schedule, but can LA for up to 4-units per quarter (2 classes) 

- Application Process: The application process for recruiting LAs is dependent on each course. Please email the professor of the course that you are interested in being a Learning Assistant for more information on applying.

- Here is the link to the LA Program website if you are interested in learning more about them:

Learning and Academic Resource Center (Paid Position)

- A LARC Tutorial Leader is expected to host tutorials for students every week in a group setting along with engaging in collaborative activities/discussions. 

- Application process: LARC Tutorial Leader applications can be found on the LARC website along with more information about being a LARC Tutorial Leader:

Office of Access and Inclusion Learning Mentor (Paid Position)

- The OAI Learning Mentor will provide supplemental instruction for ICS courses, host workshops, and offer mentorship

- Application process: OAI Learning Mentor Applications can be found here: Please email vinh[dot]luong[at]uci[dot]edu for more information about the position.

ICS Drop-In Tutoring Center (Paid Position)

- Coming Soon.