
Hi, many thanks for visiting!
I am a Computer Science MS Student at the University of Chicago (graduating in March 2023).

Tl;dr. I work on interdisciplinary projects to solve otherwise complex problems. Designing computing technologies & products that can give insights through engineering software & data is the most aligned field that I currently / aim to contribute to. I am also interested in utilizing quantitatively extensive methods to engender insights. 

A few selcted past projects are listed below in Portfolio section. Please feel free to shoot me an email / message.



(Ethical) Hacking ~ Attacking Xfinity Vulnerability + Other attacks on public wifi networks
CMSC 32300/22300


Data Mining & Live Trading @UChicago

Image Processing & Deep Learning CV on
Fish Images // Data Science Institute, UChicago & Remora Tech


Relational Database System

Relational database for a new e-commerce startup. 8 entities (Product, Order, Seller, Inventory, Customer, Cart, Postal_Company, Category) with 10+ relations. Access / Edit database via webapp created using Flask.
Link: https://github.com/redgene/DatabaseProject-ECommerce

Object Oriented Programming Project - Blackjack! CLI driven game interface. Link to code: https://codecollab.io/@utkarsh3063/Blackjack

Incoming EEG signals from 14-electrode Emotiv Epoc
Link to IEEE:  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9314078 

FinTech @UChicago // Autumn 2021

Some strategies available here- https://github.com/redgene/Trading-Strategies 

ANN & CNN from scratch
Components Graph Approach & applying to MNIST & CIFAR-10. Code: codecollab.io/@utkarsh3063/ANN%2FCNN%20Scratch

Chi.Router - IP router capable of routing IPv4 datagrams between multiple networks
Dealing with - ICMP / ARPs / IP Forwarding / Multi-Router Topologies
Link to project description: The UChicago χ-Router Project 
