Lihao Sun 

Senior Undergrad

Computer Science (Specialization in ML) & Cognitive Science (Honors)

University of Chicago  

 Amyoli Internet Research (AIR) Lab

 Chicago Human+AI Lab (CHAI)

Research Interest

"There is something inside of me. What is it?"  - Vincent van Gogh

I've been fascinated by how and why people think, and what thoughts truly are. Can machines have thoughts, too? 


Rooted in the disciplines of Computer Science and Cognitive Science, I am currently focusing on how to

(1) interpret the internal workings of large language models; 

(2) better quantitatively model and understand social interactions. 

Ongoing Research

Human-Centered AI

Representations in Weak-to-strong Generalization

Human-Computer Interaction

K-12 Student Privacy




UChicago MATH 15200 Calculus II

Teaching Assistant 

(Last Update: Apr 4, 2024)