Jamie A.P. Law-Smith


Office: ERC 443, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637

Email: jamielawsmith@uchicago.edu

Research Interests

For nonspecialists:

I am a theorist (as opposed to an observer or experimentalist). I do research in theoretical astrophysics and theoretical physics. The astrophysics work I do is roughly about what happens near the outside of black holes and the physics work I do is roughly about what happens inside black holes (and also the universe as a whole).

For specialists:

I have broad interests in high energy astrophysics theory and high energy physics theory. Right now I am most excited about trying to connect string theory to astrophysics.

Particular problems I am interested in include the formation of gravitational wave sources, tidal disruptions of stars by black holes, active galactic nuclei, host galaxies, de Sitter space in string theory, vacuum decay, black holes and de Sitter matrix theory, and the string swampland program.


Up-to-date lists available on:


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Chicago.

I did my undergraduate at Harvard University in Physics and Astrophysics (2010-2014), my PhD at UC Santa Cruz in Astronomy & Astrophysics (2015-2021), and I was a fellow at Harvard University in the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Center for Astrophysics (2021-2023). I started at UChicago in 2023.


Available upon request.

Available positions

I am happy to talk with students and postdocs any time.

Prospective postdocs: If you are interested in working with me as a postdoc at UChicago, either in the A&A department, the KICP, or the particle theory group/Kadanoff Center/EFI in the physics department, please apply to the relevant prize fellowships and also please contact me.

Prospective graduate students: I may not respond to your pre-admissions email (but don't let that stop you) but I am happy to talk after you are admitted.


The STARS library: https://github.com/jamielaw-smith/STARS_library. This is a tool that provides the fallback rate to the black hole from 3D hydrodynamical simulations of tidal disruption events.


this URL


In no particular order.

Other academic material

Textbook lists (physics, astronomy, math): [todo]

Anki decks: [todo]

Unpublished notes: [todo]

Other interests