
Integer Programming

Differing Columns of Δ-modular Integer Programs

Joseph Paat, Ingo Stallknecht, Zach Walsh, Luze Xu. On the column number and forbidden sumatrices of Delta-modular matrices. Accepted in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2023.
Jon Lee, Joseph Paat, Ingo Stallknecht, Luze XuPolynomial upper bounds on the number of differing columns Δ-modular integer programs. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2022.


Jon Lee, Joseph Paat, Ingo Stallknecht, Luze Xu.  Polynomial upper bounds on the number of differing columns Δ-modular integer programs. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2022.
Jon Lee, Joseph Paat, Ingo Stallknecht, Luze Xu. Improving proximity bounds using sparsityISCO 2020, 115-127. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer. 
Luze Xu, Jon Lee. On proximity for k-regular mixed-integer linear optimization. In: WCGO 2019: Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications, 2020, Le Hoai An Thi, Hoai Minh Le, Tao Pham Dinh, eds. pp. 438-447. 

Mixed-integer nonlinear optimization

Gaining or Losing Perspective

Luze Xu, Jon Lee. (2023). Gaining or losing perspective for convex multivariate functions on box domains.

Luze Xu, Jon Lee. (2022). Gaining or losing perspective for convex multivariate functions on a simplex.

Jon Lee, Daphne Skipper, Emily Speakman, Luze Xu. (2020). Gaining or losing perspective for piecewise-linear under-estimators of convex univariate functions. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2023.

More Virtuous Smoothing

Luze Xu, Jon Lee, Daphne Skipper. More virtuous smoothing. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 29(2):1240–1259, 2019.

Sparse Generalized Inverses

Luze Xu, Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee, Gabriel Ponte.  Approximate 1-norm minimization and minimum-rank structured sparsity for various generalized inverses via local search. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 31(3):1722-1747, 2021.  
Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee, Gabriel Ponte, Luze Xu. Experimental analysis of local search for sparse reflexive generalized inverses. To appear in Journal of Global Optimization.
Luze Xu, Marcia Fampa, Jon Lee. (2020). 1-norm minimization and minimum-rank structured sparsity for symmetric and ah-symmetric generalized inverses: rank one and two.