ECS 122A : Algorithm Design and Analysis

Quarter: WINTER 2018

Instructor: Zhaojun Bai

Teaching Assistant:

Nima Joharizadeh (johari at

Kenan Nalbant (kanalbant at

Yuan Pan (yapan at

Course Website: ECS 122A

Discussion Schedule:

  • week 1

Jan 10 | Kenan | Induction Review, Solving Linear Recurrences

  • week 2

Jan 17 | Kenan | Asymptotic Analysis, Big-Oh, Big-Omega, Big-Theta, Proving bounds with limits

  • week 3

Jan 24 | Kenan | Master Method, Solving recurrence relations by unrolling/by recursion trees

Jan 22 | Yuan | Asymptotic Notation, Master theorem | document_asymptotic_master.pdf

  • week 4

Jan 31 | Kenan | Midterm Review, asymptotics, solving recurrence relations, D&C Algorithms

Jan 29 | Yuan | Master theorem, Divide and Conquer | master_dc.pdf

  • week 5

Feb 5 | Yuan | Greedy Algorithm | document_greedy.pdf

Feb 7 | Kenan | Huffman Coding, Dynamic Programming (Fibonacci & Matrix Multiplies)

  • week 6

Feb 12 | Yuan | DP | document_dynamic_programming.pdf

  • week 7

Feb 19 | Yuan (holiday, no discussion)

  • week 8

Feb 26 | Yuan | DFS, BFS, topological sort (some examples)

  • week 9

Mar 5 | Yuan | MST(Prim's Algorithm and Kruskal's Algorithm), Shortest Path(BFS, Dijkstra, Bellman ford)


March 7th:

  • A review on Graph Algorithms:
    • BFS, DFS
    • Going over HW7
      • Prim and Kruskal (Greedy choice property and HW7.1)
        • Prim: Starting with A and V\A, assigning keys to Vertices
        • Kruskal: Starting with V sets of size one and merge sets (Going through edges in increasing order)
      • There's going to be no talk about Bellman-Ford this week.
        • Lecture today is going to be about two simpler versions of shortest path. We get to Bellman-Ford next week in our discussion.
        • However, we are going to shortly review the SSSP problem to make the stage for Dijkstra's lecture
    • SSSP (No proof of correctness today)
      • Path relaxation property
      • (Negative weight okay, but no cycles) Topological sort + Shortest path on DAG
        • O(|V| + |E|) instead of O(|V||E|)
      • (Cycles okay, but no negative weight) Dijkstra
        • Analysis of time complexity (O(|E| lg|V|)

Week 6: Dynamic Programming, continued

  • Counting Bits
  • Suppose you have an n by n grid. At each step you can make a move to right and up. Count the number of paths starting from (0, 0) to (n-1, n-1) such that you would not pass the diagonal.
  • Maximum Product Subarray

Week 5: Greedy algorithms and Basic Dynamic Programming

    • Greedy algorithms
      • An example that the greedy strategy doesn't work?
      • Some discussions about HW3 (Q1 and Q2)
      • Optimal subprolem
    • Some basic dynamic programming

Week 4: Divide and conquer

    • Understanding the Maximum Subarray Problem (the divide and conquer solution from lecture notes)
      • Sidenote: Can we do better than the O(nlogn) divide and conquer solution?
    • Open discussion on
      • "O, Omega, and Theta, when to use which?"
      • HW3
        • Understanding the subproblems, and recognizing the benefit of the proposed observation in "Part a"
        • Interactive discussions about the base case
    • Study tips for a successful midterm experience

Week 3: Master Theorem

Week 2: Mathematical Induction

Week 1: Cost function, recurrence and the Fibonacci sequence