Sara's Resources

Helping you to get the most out of your UC Davis courses (even while working remotely.)

Spring 2024 Office Hours 

Tuesdays 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (CADSS in South Silo)
By Appointment (Zoom or in-person) 

I've been at UC Davis in Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers helping students with math since 2004. I have a BS in Physics from New Mexico Tech and a Masters in Teaching Mathematics from UC Davis. I love that every day I get to work with a talented and diverse group of students. The way I see it, my role is to minimize barriers so that students are able to realize success in their math classes.

Sara Hawkes

Executive Director, Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers  |  530-754-7745  |  2240 Dutton Hall

UC Davis courses that I can help with:

Want to watch Sara work through practice problems and talk about calculus? Check out my YouTube channel.

For more information about all of services offered through AATC, visit: