Mrs. Spitzer's Garden:

Flower Activity

Mrs. Lusk Read Aloud - Mrs. Spitzer's

Click on the video to listen to Mrs. Lusk read Mrs. Spitzer's Garden written by Edith Pattou.

Think about what makes you different and what you need to grow.

Sometimes we can be hard on ourselves and others because of differences, but remember what you just learned about in the book: Differences are important! What would our world and our school look like if we didn’t have differences?

ACTIVITY: You are going to create a flower that represents you in some way.

This flower will be added to our Windermere Garden.

If you are in Online Academy or home due to quarantine, you can create your flower and drop it off at the school by April 1st. There will be a clear plastic envelope on the front door that you can put your flower in.

You can find Flower Ideas below.

Flower Ideas:

  • Construction Paper: Create your own flower with construction paper. Tear or cut petals forming different, unique shapes and sizes. Write your name in the middle or on the back.

  • Coloring: Create your own flower or use a flower template. Add your own colors to express your unique creativity. Cut the flower out.

  • Drawing: Draw pictures on the petals of a flower template that represent things you love about school, life, family, yourself, or anything you can think of.

  • Painting: Use watercolors to create your flower on blank paper or on a template. Cut the paper out.

  • Identity Flowers: Do any of the above to create the flower background and then add unique things about you on each petal (your skills, interests, etc or go deeper, adding information about your family traditions, how you identify, what sets you apart from others at Windermere, etc.

  • Origami Flowers (for upper grades): Write about what you like about yourself or how you want to “grow” and then use that paper to create your origami flower (follow instructions on the link).

  • Flower Collage: Cut out images from magazines or pictures and create a flower collage that represents you.

* Flowers can be any size or shape but please keep it no larger than 8x10 paper.