Varsolo C. Sunio, PhD

Welcome to my personal web page!

I am Varsolo Sunio, Assistant Professor at the School of Sciences and Engineering of the University of Asia and the Pacific (Academe).  I serve as the Program Director of the Industrial Engineering Program and the Chief Research Fellow of the Science Engineering and Management Research Institute of UA&P.  I also lecture at the School of Management, School of Economics and the School of Sciences and Engineering of UA&P.  I teach Systems Engineering, Business Analytics, Management Science, Operations Research, Mathematics (College Algebra), College Physics and Japanese language.

I have a stint as a visiting researcher at Portland State University (funded by Fulbright) and at the University of Tokyo (funded by Sumitomo Foundation).  I finished my PhD in Urban Management at Kyoto University in 2018 (MEXT scholarship).  I completed a Master's degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering at the National University of Singapore in 2014 (NUS ASEAN Scholarship), an MS Physics degree at the University of the Philippines in 2010 (DOST-funded), and a BS Physics with Computer Engineering at the Ateneo de Manila University in 2007 (with full scholarship).

My areas of research include public and informal transport, logistics and supply chain, sustainable transitions, and many others. 

Please get in touch with me at varsolo.sunio[at]

Other professional email addresses:

National University of Singapore email: a0117704[at] or varsolo.sunio[at]

Kyoto University email: sunio.varsolo.47r[at]

Portland State University email: varsolo.sunio[at]

Fulbright: varsolo.sunio[at]