Malik Shukayev

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

9-12 Tory Building

Edmonton, AB

Canada T6G 2H4

Phone: 780.492.4405 (forwards voice messages by e-mail)

Fax: 780.492.3300

E-mail: shukayev AT

Working papers

Are bank bailouts welfare Improving? (with Alexander Ueberfeldt)

Limited commitment, endogenous credibility and the challenges of price-level targeting (with Gino Cateau)

Implementing Cross-Border Interbank Lending in BoC-GEM-FIN (with Argyn Toktamyssov)

Work in progress

Why has Canadian productivity been lagging Australian? (with Besindone Dumi-Leslie)

Navigating Fiscal Dominance in the Dominant Currency Paradigm (with Carlos de Resende)

Publications in refereed journals

Limited Commitment, Endogenous Credibility and the Challenges of Price-level Targeting (with Gino Cateau) Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 55(4), 1834-61, 2022.

The extensive margin of trade and monetary policy (with Yuko Imura). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 100(C), 417-41, 2019.

Sensitivity of optimal portfolio problems to time-varying parameters: simulation analysis. Journal of Asset Management 20, 395-402, 2019.

Managing Risk Taking with Interest Rate Policy and Macroprudential Regulations (with Simona Cociuba and Alexander Ueberfeldt). Economic Inquiry 57(2), 1056-81, 2019.

Monetary policy tradeoffs between financial stability and price stability (with Alexander Ueberfeldt). Canadian Journal of Economics 51(3), 901-45, 2018.

Collateralized borrowing and risk taking at low interest rates (with Simona Cociuba and Alexander Ueberfeldt). European Economic Review 85(C), 62-83, 2016.

Risk Premium Shocks and the Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates (with Robert Amano). Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44(8), 1475-505, 2012.

Optimal Price-Level Drift under Commitment in the Canonical New Keynesian Model (with Robert Amano and Steven Ambler). Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 45(3), p. 1023-36, 2012.

A stochastic dynamic model of trade and growth: Convergence and diversification (with Partha Chatterjee). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36(3), 416-32, 2012.

Optimal Monetary Policy under Incomplete Markets and Aggregate Uncertainty: A Long-Run Perspective (with Oleksiy Kryvtsov and Alexander Ueberfeldt). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 35(7), 1045-60, 2011.

Are Bygones not Bygones? Modeling Price Level Targeting with an Escape Clause and Lessons from the Gold Standard (with Paul Masson). Journal of Macroeconomics, 33(2), 162-75, 2011.

Monetary policy and the zero bound on nominal interest rates (with Robert Amano) Bank of Canada Review, 2010 (Summer), 3-10.

Note on positive lower bound of capital in the stochastic growth model (with Partha Chatterjee) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32(7), 2137-47, 2008.