Augustana Software and AI Lab

Thanks to donor funding, students turned artificial intelligence career paths into reality with applications in ecological science.

9 May 2024

Harsh Darji presented "Decoding Jupyter: Exploring Complexity, Bugs, and Improved Language Models" at FURCA.

 13 March  2024

Student teams up with researchers to solve thorny challenges of reviewing hours of video captured in the wild.

Bev Betkowski - 20 September 2023

(Photo: Ivana Schoepf)

Software engineer Thibaud Lutellier is out to squash those irritating and sometimes dangerous tech glitches.

Anna Schmidt - 09 January 2023

Territorial Acknowledgement

The University of Alberta, its buildings, labs, and research stations are primarily located on the traditional territory of Cree, Blackfoot, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Iroquois, Dene, and Ojibway/Saulteaux/Anishinaabe nations; lands that are now known as part of Treaties 6, 7, and 8 and homeland of the Métis. The University of Alberta respects the sovereignty, lands, histories, languages, knowledge systems, and cultures of First Nations, Métis and Inuit nations.