Metabolic and inflammatory outcomes of the ketogenic diet comparing saturated and unsaturated fat sources 

About the KETO-IM Study

Low-carbohydrate diets, including ketogenic diet (KETO) are gaining interest as a treatment for type 2 diabetes because they are believed to help manage blood sugar and weight. However, KETO is often high in saturated fats. Compared with a traditional KETO, we want to test the feasibility of substituting healthier fats such as canola oil to improve cardiovascular risk factors.

Canola oil is low in saturated fat. Therefore, utilizing canola oil in a KETO diet may improve its health benefits in people with high risk of / living with type 2 diabetes. The goal of our research is to compare consuming a KETO based on either canola oil or saturated fat to a lower fat diet typically recommended for diabetes for 6 months on blood sugar, factors related to the immune system, and other outcomes.

KETO-IM is an exciting study happening at the University of Alberta.  Joining this study is entirely voluntary. 


Find out if you are eligible

Scan the QR Code or click HERE to answer our survey.

What will happen during the study?

The study will last 6 months and will involve 8-11 visits to the study site over this time. 

Participants will be randomized to one of three diets: 

What do we collect?


University of Alberta (North Campus)


Ethics Approval and Funding

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If you are interested in participating or have additional questions, please contact us.
