Dr. Nitin Saini, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Li's Research Group,

​​Chemical and Materials Engineering Department,

University of Alberta, Canada

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - T6G 1H9

Email: nit030078@gmail.com or nsaini2@ualberta.ca

Welcome to my web page

I am a Post Doctoral fellow working with Prof. Leijun Li in the Chemical and Materials Engineering department, at the University of Alberta- Canada. I am actively involved in several ongoing projects at the University of Alberta. Mainly working on boat sample-based testing and life assessment of coke drums, physical simulations of electric resistance welding of line pipe steels, improved brazing processes for attaching sintered carbide tiles to steel, and erosion-corrosion failure analysis of pipe welds for steam power plant applications. In addition, studies on weldability and heat treatments of 9Cr steel welds.

I pursued Doctoral studies (Ph.D.) under the supervision of Dr. Manas Mohan Mahapatra and Dr. Rahul S. Mulik in the Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee in 2020. My doctoral studies research is on "Some Studies on Effects of Heat Treatment and Hydrogen Embrittlement in P92 Steel Welds." The problems associated with similar and dissimilar welded joints of 9Cr steels are systematically explored and several solutions are found to improve the weldability and performance of 9Cr steel weld joints. My journey towards pursuing research as my career option began with joining the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee as a postgraduate student in 2012.

Research interests

My research interest includes the broad area of physical metallurgy, welding metallurgy, and additive manufacturing by characterizing microstructure, measuring mechanical properties, and modeling the heat and mass transfer during non-equilibrium phase transformations.