CRINA Research Day

November 17, 2023

Lister Centre

Message from CRINA Director:

It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost a year since the last CRINA Research Day. I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you and learning more about the amazing cancer research that has been happening here in Edmonton. 

This year Dr. Morag Park (McGill University) will be joining us to give the keynote address about her work into Tumor Zonation and Immune Microenvironments in Triple Negative Breast Cancer. 

Following the keynote, there will be the first of two poster sessions. We decided to do things a bit differently with a morning and afternoon session to allow the poster presenters the opportunity to view the posters. Let’s hope the rooms in Lister are a little cooler in November!  

A highlight of every Research Day is hearing from our incredible trainees. Look forward to concurrent sessions where you can learn more about their work and offer feedback and advice.

In the afternoon you will hear from CRINA scientists and clinicians when you join the panel discussions on Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Oncological Care; and Innovation, Therapeutics and Biomarker Discovery in Breast Cancer. I’m sure we’ll have some great discussions. 

Finally, we’ll finish out the day with the second poster session complete with beverages and snacks and then wrap up with the awards ceremony. 

I hope you enjoy CRINA Research Day and take advantage of the opportunity to network, share ideas, and explore new collaborations. 

Hanne Ostergaard, PhD


CRINA Research Day - Schedule at a glance