Meet Sara H.

Student Labour Market Researcher

Service Canada, Government of Canada

Summer 2020 (4 month term)

"Working from home is an experience I did not anticipate. However very little about this internship has gone how I would have expected. After having to evacuate the building in the middle of my interview, pushing the start date back a semester, and the onset of a pandemic, I was beginning to convince myself this opportunity was just not meant to be. Now, I am honestly just grateful this experience was still an option. I am trying to appreciate this opportunity, both the pros and the cons, even though it means I am working from home and is not how I envisioned it. I have come to realize that there are still some very valuable lessons I am able to gain, even though it is not a traditional workplace.

I am finding it helpful to treat my day as I would if I was working in the office, just with a much shorter commute. In an effort to maintain a routine I still work regular hours and take normal coffee and lunch breaks. I do my best to get dressed into more than just lounge wear, and to work at a table or my desk, instead of a couch or my bed (although some days my effort does not go as well as I would hope). I have found these little strategies very helpful in both getting the most out of my internship experience as well as navigating this trying time." 

Sara is currently taking part in the Internship University Undergrad Program as a Student Labour Market Researcher, with Labour Market Information (LMI), Service Canada.