Meet Yoojin S.

Employer Relations Admin Intern
University of Alberta's Career Centre

Winter 2023 (8 months)

“The most valuable aspect I learned, and I am continuing to experience, is the transferable skills that I have been developing and polishing during my work term. My time and project management skills have evolved dramatically throughout the last couple months. I am in a supportive environment, with a fantastic team, that guides me along the way in my projects and tasks. I find that my interpersonal skills, especially with my communication skills, have been improving as well. I believe these skills will be valuable wherever I go, such as my future career and academic paths. 

One thing I would like to share to upcoming AWE students is that you have so many valuable skills and experiences to bring to the table. At first, it may seem intimidating to write and brush up a cover letter and resume, and then apply for jobs and do interviews. However, I believe that student work opportunities are amazing as they provide so much insight to what type of person you are, especially in the workforce.”

Yoojin is in her fourth year of Psychology through the Faculty of Arts. She is passionate about community based practices that uplift and support people. She will be going forward in her degree by changing her minor to Human Ecology with a special focus on family dynamics. She will be pursuing more community service learning courses to further enrich her experience in university. Otherwise in her free time, she likes to rollerblade in the River Valley.