Meet Vivian T.

Undergraduate Psychology Intern
Millard Health 

Summer 2022 (12 months)

“My experience at Millard Health has been eye-opening and filled with many opportunities for growth, both on an academic and personal level. I am responsible for administering and scoring psychometric tests, facilitating biofeedback relaxation services and leading group relaxation classes. I have worked with a variety of clients on different programs, such as Traumatic and Cumulative Psychological Injury, post-COVID, persistent pain and Brain Injury. I have also had the opportunity to participate in and co-facilitate psychotherapy groups. This internship has helped bridge the gap between learning in an academic setting and in a practical, hands-on setting. It has provided valuable insight into workplace injuries and a future career in clinical or counselling psychology.

One of the most challenging aspects of my work experience has been navigating more difficult interactions with clients. Clients may come in with different backgrounds, exposure to trauma, emotional reactions and tolerance levels. I have learned to set internal and emotional boundaries when meeting with clients, as well as practicing self-care and seeking support to debrief with my supervising psychologist. This is a challenge that I am continuously working on as I am developing different skills over time with increased exposure to interacting with various clients each day at work.”

Vivian is in her fourth year of a Bachelor of Arts degree in honours psychology. She is a volunteer for the non-profit organization Mental Health Copilots. In her free time, Vivian enjoys crocheting and working out.