Meet Sumayah G.

Junior Policy Analyst

National Security Policy Directorate

Summer 2021 (4 month term)

"I’m ecstatic to be working as a Junior Policy Analyst for the National Security Policy Directorate through AWE. My passion for national security and international affairs began long before my current position, but thanks to AWE, I was finally able to implement them in my industry of passion and grow real, first hand experience in my field.

The most important thing I’ve learned is that networking is everything! Talk to everyone, even if they are much more experienced, and build a professional network that can last long after your co-op position! This means taking the time to get to know your colleagues and supervisors, and maintaining that professional relationship after your position ends. It’ll be incredibly valuable, not just from all their experience you get to learn from, but also - they could potentially help open doors of opportunity for you!

Imposter syndrome is real, no matter what your position is or how experienced you are. I knew I had a lot to bring to the table, but it was hard not to get intimidated sometimes when I was seeing that some of my colleagues had two masters degrees or 15 years of experience! However, I remained resilient and more importantly humble, and eventually I remembered one very important thing: there is a reason why I was hired! If I wasn’t a valuable contribution to the team, I would not have been selected for this position - especially one that is incredibly competitive! That’s something you have to remember as well; imposter syndrome affects everyone. The key is to be resilient even when you feel insecure, to stay humble, inquisitive, and to remember that there is a reason why you are in the position you are in! You have so much to offer!" 

Sumayah is currently a fourth year undergraduate student double majoring in Psychology and Sociology.